Thursday, April 26, 2012

Driver Problems (NVidia GT220)?

For about 3 weeks my computer has been randomly going black and 4 seconds later BSODing. No new software has been installed that could have potentially harmed this. Though I did notice this only happens when I am running Guild Wars. Guild Wars is an old game and in no way stresses the gfx card. More specifically it only happens when Guild Wars is minimized. today something lucky happened that my computer actually recovered before it BSODed. The weird thing happening now, that happened all the time to my old computer is random pixels are different colors and they are switching around. The only way to fix this pixel thing is to mouse over it and it is fine. If anyone could help me fix this BSOD problem I would be grateful! Thanks!|||Its always suggested to use the [Recommended]..Resolution in your Hardware Settings/..

I use a Sapphire Radeon HD 4550-PCIe/

When I install the drivers I will start low--and build up to the latest drivers../..I don't just install the latest driver..


A Black Screen is your Video Card--or a PCI-expansion issue..

If you have a couple of cards installed..

Remove them and re-install the Video Card-first..

Then place those sure to fully update any PCI-expansion installation before adding another card..


That's been my experiance..

500-watt PSU help..

I have seen the Video Card Mfg. say a 300-watt is A-OK...or even a 250-watt PSU..

I use 500-watts/

850-watts would be required for a gaming PC..becasue of longevity.

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